8 Ton Biomass Fired Boiler Thermal Efficiency

There are many kinds of biomass fired boilers, from the medium to the three categories of hot water and steam and heat transfer oil, different production industries can choose flexibly according to their needs. So how much thermal efficiency of 8 ton biomass fired boiler?

8 Ton Biomass Fired Boiler Thermal Efficiency

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Biomass fired boilers have biomass fired hot water, biomass fired steam and biomass fired thermal oil, etc. As for which boiler is good, it needs to be combined with the production needs, such as hot water commonly used in heating, bathing, steam boilers are used in many industries such as sterilization, steaming, including others such as paper making, chemical industry, etc. Thermal oil boilers are mostly used in crude oil, natural gas heating and mineral oil processing, other industries are also More such as chemical, oil, paper, etc. also have applications.

The biomass steam boiler and hot water thermal efficiency is above 88%, and the biomass thermal oil boiler thermal efficiency is above 85%.

Biomass fired boilers are similar to coal-fired boilers in terms of thermal efficiency, but biomass contains less pollutants, and the fly ash from fuel combustion can be used in agricultural fertilizers, while the slag from coal combustion is basically worthless. At present, with the strict implementation of environmental protection policies, different regions have different standards for boiler pollutant emissions.

8 Ton Biomass Fired Boiler Thermal Efficiency

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The above introduction on the thermal efficiency of 8 ton biomass fired boiler, while telling about the introduction of different types of biomass furnace thermal efficiency, for the majority of boiler customers to refer to browse.